Monday, October 20, 2008

October 21, 2008

last week Cat P. was speaking on Hearing the Vioce of God and asked me to come in and share a little on how God has talked to me and give some words that hopfully encouraged the DTS as well as any others who listen.
take a listen its about 20 minutes.

here are some more photo's from the skate trip we took a couple weeks ago.
One of the Gold coast kids doing a back lip for best trick on the Quarter

Right: Local getting a huge front Indy air in responce.
Below: Local doing front board for best trick down the set.

Below: first impressions of us when we rocked up.(left to right) Dave, Sean, Des, Dan

Left: Des talking with the local's

local Dj that gladly came out to rep.

Dave (from San Diego) and 2 boys he works with at Gold coast skate church

Thanks everyone for the prayer and support.

I want to be as open and broken for you all as much as possible you guys play a much larger part in me being here then you may know and I may know, that being said.
I’m noticing that I have this bad habit of complaining to God and people. I want to move away from that and into thanking God for everything.

God is constant, He is Faithfull and we are broken sinful man and woman. A growing awareness of my short comings has been at the front of my eyes( a lacking of patients, my identity not being in God alone, and not accepting people where they are, and loving them). I’m really feeling inadequate in my position here and vulnerable as a person, trusting God with my insecurities and short coming’s (not being who I think I should be, or told I should be by the world around me) is much more of a task then just saying “Lord I trust myself to you” maybe I’m wrong but I’m finding it much harder. I know that unless I let God work in me (and us) I (we) keep his light from coming into the darkness of my life. But I think there are 2 ways I can go, either harden my heart and push away or let God open me and do His good in me.

Ya know, God is so good! Loving , Faithfull, in him there is no darkness. Thank you Jesus! Where I am lacking (we are lacking) He isn’t, He has more then enough, He is more then enough.

I’m also looking for a vehicle to get to work and around town. Please pray for that as well.
God Bless ya,

1 comment:

Jonny said...

Hey man thanks for the invite to your blog I feel honored. I'm glad that your doing so well and being brought all the closer to the Lord over in Australia. It's great to hear how He has been using you as an instrument of His will. Its encouraging and incredible to see the way He works through us. I'll be praying for you brother.
