Monday, October 27, 2008

October 27th woothousand eight

Today was a day of God showing a glimpse of the future i believe. today i went and looked at the warehouse that One Friday (the skate ministry) is moving into, and man, is it perfect! how good is God. it's so cool to see a place where so many ministries are going to be located under one roof sharing the same vision of business as missions.

i talked with a guy today that runs a DVD distribution company, his job is buying rights of movies in the states and getting them into theaters here and on the shelves in stores. He works with Disney and a few other companies, but the cool thing is his vision of production! sharing the same vision of making movies that influence people for good! im so excited to talk with him more and share my vision with him and see how we can work together.

i hope to be moving into the office building april next year or around that time and setting up a office outfitted for more people to work on films. But for years now i have had the desire to do audio recording (sound engineering) and have a recording studio where i can have local bands come in and record some stuff. Before i joined YWAM i even looked into attending a recording arts school in phoenix but God brought here (no complaints), but i still have that love for music. And in this office building i see the platform to set up a recording studio so i can get into the music scene here and get to know local musicians and Through the love of God in me and the many i work with, that they too will come to know God! but all in Gods time, right now one step at a time, i will be starting with setting up the production studio outfitted for more to come on board!

God is good! and he wants to be the good in people's lives, we are the salt of the earth and should shine like stars in the universe! but we need to get into the communities to be salt and to shine, doing good to all especially those in the house hold of believers!

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