Hey everyone, Thanks for voting for my Roommate Of The Year contest entry. There are still a couple weeks left. So please keep voting, you can vote once every 24 hours. right now my video is in the top 6 videos! so please keep passing on the word and voting everyday.
Ok so bellow is a music video my roommates and i shot for a band out of Ireland called Friends Of Emmit. The song is based on a true story about a man named Kevin Hines who attempted suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco. Kevin survived the jump and now runs an Aid organization helping people with mental illness's. I know that Kevin's P.R. people are sending this video to major networks so there is a possibility that it will be played on MTV, Fuse TV and a national morning show with a interview with Kevin. So pray for that. It would be really good exposure for all of us who worked on it as filmmakers.
next week i'll write more on personal things happening in life.
Love you all and thanks for checking in. Please continue to pray for all of us at the house and for work for me! thanks